Wednesday 2 April 2014


                                            Mushroom production
               Mushroom production is very helpful to the farmers for earning money.In that, the cost of inputs will be less.So the farmers are very interest to the cultivation of mushroom.In mushroom , different types is there,

  •  Paddy mushroom,
  •  Button mushroom,
  •  Milky mushroom,
  •  Pleurotus mushroom.
  Procedure for mushroom cultivation :
            First prepare the medium for the cultivation of mushroom.Required materials for medium preparation is,Potato 250g, 40g Agar ,40g Glucose and 250ml Conical flask, Beaker,Glass rod,Test tube and Non absorbed type of cotton.

          Chopped the potato into small pieces after removing of skin.After that boil the potato with water  in beaker. Boil it in agar in water in another beaker.Potato should half boiled. then pour both in other beaker.
Add 40g of glucose to the beaker and stir it well.Transfer this to conical flask to half portion after few minutes , it becomes clod.Then plug it with non absorbed cotton. Sterilize the conical flask containing PDA in an autoclave which transfer in Liquid medium.

         Transfer the liquid medium into different test tubes with a standing position under laminar air flow chamber. Solidify takes place inside the test tube.Take any type of mushroom and split of 2 halves.Pick small pieces /bits from the stem of head portion.

       After 2 weeks,it grows in to a mycelium which is called base spawn.After that prepare the mother spawn ,in mother spawn preparation, sorghum/ chaffy paddy is half boiled and add calcium carbonate 40g.This is packed in polythene bag.Sterilize it in autoclave.Inoculate base spawn of transfer into sorghum boiled medium.This is placed for 2 weeks.It is done for multiplying the spawn collection. mother spawn has high virulent. after that the bed spawn will be prepared from the mother spawn.after that the cultivation of mushroom will be conduct in the field.


Monday 31 March 2014

Organic farming

                                                     Organic farming

           Organic farming is more important to the farmers. Present days,the farmers are used many fertilizers
and chemicals. So, the soil fertility status will be reducing.So,the yield of the crop is very minimum.In future,
the farmers are turn to using the organic farming and cultivate the crop. In this farming crop residues , animal
manures,off-farm organic waste are used and also that will be increase the soil fertility status.It is biological system of nutrient mobilization and plant protection .It helps to in maintaining environment health and also reduce the level of pollution.And also reduces the human and animal hazards through reduce the level of
residues in the product. Increase the agricultural production.It ensure the utilization of natural resources .
It also help to conserving the future generation and save the energy for animal and machine power.

        Recently, in India ,23 school children is died in the village dharmasathi gandawa in bihar on July17,2013 after they ate a free school lunch. The reason was the vegetables are have toxicity because of
spraying the pesticide. So, in this state monocrotophos will be banned. So, the farmers are do not using
inorganic fertilizer, pesticide and etc.The farmers are going to do the organic farming.


Sunday 30 March 2014

Integrated farming system

                                         INTEGRATED FARMING SYSTEM

                 IFS model is very useful to the farmers. Those days the farmers were only concentrating in crop production.Based on that, only farmers get the money. Now a days (or)
present days,because of lack of labour and lack of land this model is very effective.
In this model, a small area will be covered by many enterprises like poultry, dairy, crop         production,sericulture,mushroom production,apiculture,fishery,biogas plant,agro forestry.And also there will be effective utilization of resourses like fertilizer, land, labour and etc.,will be there.

            The farmers get more income trough this method. And also minimizes the risk of the farmers. If one enterprise fails to get money means other enterprise will be used to get money.
The byproduct of one enterprise will be used for other enterprises.So,no wastage of byproduct 
will be there.For eg, the cowdung of cattle will be used as farmyard manure of crop production field. And also the straw of crop will be used feed for animals.By adoption of mushroom 
cultivation ,farmers will get income regularly. Cost of cultivation also minimized.